Process Fees
Processing fees are variable costs assigned to production flowing through a facility. Processing fees are allocated back to the wells based on production, and operating costs at the processing facility can be assigned back to the wells as a processing fee. Revenue from processing fees can also be tracked at the facility and will show up as Other Revenue in the reports (users may choose to generate custom reports to improve the granularity of their capital breakdown). Enersight can track working interest values for processing fees and revenue, even when the working interests in the associated wells and facilities are different.
Owned processing facilities can generate fees to help offset other operating expenses. At other times facilities may be shared and you may wish to treat these same processing fees as a cost much like any other Opcost. The check box at the top of the Processing Fees window allows you to easily switch between these two options.
Currency for processing fees is set within the General tab for the individual asset.
The option to use NRI allows for easy capturing of NRI based transportation costs and does affect those processing fees derived from operating costs.
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The setting may also be viewed in bulk via the All button whereby details may be edited as well as copied/pasted from Excel, including the Boolean settings above.
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